Safer Care Victoria

Thu, Oct 24 2019, 08:30 AM AEDT

Reaching and Caring for our most Vulnerable Children
Reaching and Caring for our most Vulnerable Children
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Tue, Dec 17 2019, 13:30 PM AEDT

Influenza: reflections on the 2019 season
There will be a panel of six experts who will be asked questions by the moderator on varies aspects on the 2019 Victorian influenza season
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Susie Cartledge

Tue, Mar 10 2020, 19:00 PM AEDT

A Pathway to Cardiac Recovery: Standardised Program content for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
The eagerly anticipated cardiac rehabilitation program outline, A Pathway to Cardiac Recovery resource is now available. A National Heart Foundation and Deakin Institute Of Physical Activity & Nutrition (IPAN) collaboration, with funding from Safer Care Victoria’s Cardiac Clinical Network, the ‘standardised program content for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation’ resource will guide clinicians working in cardiac rehabilitation about what specific content the experts and evidence suggests are the best investments of their time, energy and resources toward positive patient outcomes. This webinar will ( to be fleshed out.....)
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SaferCare Victoria

Mon, Sep 16 2019, 19:00 PM AEDT

Infant Gastro-oesophageal Reflux and Irritability: how to diagnose as manage – The REducing MEDications in Infants (REMEDI) Study
The Health Services Research Unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital in partnership with Angliss Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, Frankston Hospital and Goulburn Valley Health is completing a study on the management of infant reflux or irritability or excessive crying or colic. As part of this study, we have developed an online webinar that runs for 40 minutes. This includes an education portion focused on: How to diagnose and manage infants with gastro-oesophageal reflux and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD); The harms and benefits of Acid Suppression Therapy (AST); Normal infant crying patterns; and Strategies to help settle infants to sleep. The webinar also includes 3 x 5-6 minute role play scenarios of hypothetical conversations with parents demonstrating: What NOT to do! Prescribing AST medication to infants with reflux or irritability or excessive crying; What TO do! How to NOT prescribe AST medications; and Weaning of
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