Fergus Cameron

Thu, Dec 6 2018, 17:00 PM AEDT

Children/Adolescents and Diabetes - self-management, education and psycho-social support
Paediatric Clinical Network
Points | N/A
Bruce Campbell

Mon, Jun 17 2019, 13:00 PM AEDT

Advanced imaging for acute stroke
Stroke Clinical Network
Points | N/A
Susie Cartledge

Tue, Mar 10 2020, 19:00 PM AEDT

A Pathway to Cardiac Recovery: Standardised Program content for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
The eagerly anticipated cardiac rehabilitation program outline, A Pathway to Cardiac Recovery resource is now available. A National Heart Foundation and Deakin Institute Of Physical Activity & Nutrition (IPAN) collaboration, with funding from Safer Care Victoria’s Cardiac Clinical Network, the ‘standardised program content for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation’ resource will guide clinicians working in cardiac rehabilitation about what specific content the experts and evidence suggests are the best investments of their time, energy and resources toward positive patient outcomes. This webinar will ( to be fleshed out.....)
Points | N/A

Wed, Oct 16 2019, 14:00 PM AEDT

Webinar – Outcomes from the Renal Key Performance Indicators review
Since 2012 the Renal Clinical Network has monitored the performance of renal services across Victoria to drive service improvement and support better outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease. Safer Care Victoria produces quarterly KPI reports that compare how the state’s renal services are performing against these measures. We recently reviewed these indicators and developed a number of recommendations to drive improvement. Establishing new key performance indicators (KPI) for dialysis and transplantation, along with changes to existing KPIs, are among the recommendations from a review of our renal KPI program. This webinar will discuss the recommendations and plans for implementation of the changes. We will work with Victorian renal health services to introduce these changes over the next 12 months.
Points | N/A